Is being an environmentally friendly business part of your 2018 plans? As the festive season seems like a lifetime ago and we prepare for an altogether less sparkly and exciting month; January is the time to set out your business plans for the year and commit to your New Year’s resolutions.
We’re becoming an increasingly environmentally friendly and aware community, with increasing action being taken around environmental issues. Given this, businesses should factor sustainability into their 2018 plans. Not only do we owe it to our environment, but the benefits to small businesses of going green are far reaching:
- Transform your brand identity and reputation – customers view sustainable businesses as innovative and progressive
- Motivate your team – environmentally conscious employees will be far more engaged in your business if you share the same values
- Enhance brand trust – customers will be receptive to your sustainable ethics and will feel that they can trust you
- Reduce your costs – all it takes is a few small changes to lower your costs; for instance, avoid using materials unnecessarily
There are several ways you can make your business more environmentally friendly. Here are our top 5 tips:
- Recycle – ensure your employees understand how to recycle correctly and educate them on how various materials can be reused
- Reduce waste – this includes food, paper, pollution and noise; both locally and in the wider environment
- Ensure the power is turned off – ensure your team’s equipment and office lights are turned off each and every night. This simple task could reduce energy usage by up to 50%!
- Introduce a Cycle To Work scheme – not only does this promote healthy living, but with dirty air contributing to an estimated 40,000 premature deaths of people in the UK, every year – it will reduce the impact on the environment
- Get involved – organise fun days out for your team to get involved with local green causes such as planting trees
Ensure your employees, suppliers and customers fully support your environmentally friendly policy. You may like to incentivise your team with treats when certain environmental targets are reached.
Read GreenCity Solution’s Environmental Policy, here.
Improve your energy efficiency with GreenCity Utilities
Director of Customer Solutions at E.ON, Phil Gilbert states, “Investing in energy efficiency or in new generation technologies can make sound investments, often paying back in only a few years.”
GreenCity Utilities are an independent energy provider with access to the best commercial tariffs on the market. We’re able to provide your business with a solution that ensures cost savings, now and in the future, all while reducing your business’s carbon footprint with 100% renewable energy tariffs.
Book your FREE energy efficiency audit, here.