Recent research shows a positive link between businesses who spend time and money on providing the infrastructure for their employees to work flexibly, the research shows that employees are more creative and are much more likely to stick around.
It’s not “generation mobile”, those who have grown up with mobile technology who are the main benefactors of this new way of working. Study’s show that in general employees who have it available to them will use it.
The approach to mobilisation involves building IT systems that allow your employees access to your business data and applications that they need to do their job – from any location, on any device, and at any time.
Business owners can be reluctant in adopting a mobile-first strategy; for all of its positives there are costs involved and you need to have trust in your workforce, particularly when developing flexible working policies.
Collaboration Tool
Traditionally businesses use a number of different collaboration tools. To complete one collaboration you may need to use 3 different tools to video call, screen share and chat.
Increasingly the designers of these tools are understanding that to make this style of working as efficient as it can be business needs one tool that incorporates all of these actions.
One such tool is Circuit, a tool that allows you to video call, voice call, message and screen share with your colleagues, customers and suppliers from one portal.
If you would like to know more about the collaboration tools available contact us on 01733 667755 or email getintouch@gcsict.co.uk

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